Be sure to read the booking conditions, they have been updated.
General information
Number of people
A maximum number is allowed on the same site:
Additional adults: $6.96 plus taxes per night (up to a maximum of 4 adults per site).
2 adults, 4 children: regular rate;
Extra adult: regular rate – $6.96 per person;
5 adults: you will need to book 2 sites.
Priority or Site Allocation
Administrtive costs
Modification and cancellation conditions
The booking site will be available on wednesday, January 17 at 9 a.m, in 2024.
(Before the campsite opens at the end of May, reservations are only possible through the online reservation system.)
You will need to create a password at the end of the reservation process. Please note your password for future use.
Go to your account to be able to cancel a contract. Careful! Your contract may include one or two reservations.
Please come back on janvier 17th, 9 am to fill out a form.
Top photo credit : Magali Deslauriers